


  • 公司: 深圳瑞尔电子技术有限公司
  • 地址: 深圳市宝安区龙华大浪豪迈高新技术园4栋4楼
  • 联系: 肖生
  • 手机: 13826563603
  • 一键开店


公司拥有强大的研发团队,结合网络发展潮流,全球推出具有在线点播功能的系列网络高清点播机,以及基于电脑的PTV (Personal TV)系列网络机顶盒产品,突破了传统观看网络节目先下载后观看的模式,开创了从互联网上直接点播观看、精彩轮播、节目搜索等新的娱乐方式,引领了行业从传统家电向网络家电的发展。完善快捷的后台服务、丰富的节目源,满足了消费者即时观看,轻松点播的娱乐享受。


SHENZHEN RARE TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. was founded in 2001, is a research and development, production, sale and service of high-tech enterprises. The company in good faith, service, innovation, value-added services for customers ideas, committed to a new generation of audio-visual products in the R & D, production and marketing, and strive to continuously improve the technology and service levels, faster, newer, better serve our customers.

The company's main, the high-end set-top box network products, has a strong R & D team, combined with the latest trend of network development, the world's first to offer online on-demand function with series of high-definition on-demand machine network (Internet VOD Player), as well as computer-based The PTV (Personal TV) family of network set-top box products. The company since its inception has been committed to the professional products, high quality service within the industry has won praise, while the products are well received by Courier in the popular high-end users.

Looking ahead, the Courier will be people-oriented science and technology, link between past and future. Implement the scientific concept of development to benefit as the central goal of sustainable development, industrial chain elongated vertical and horizontal expansion of market size, to achieve "industry to the upper and middle reaches of the transfer of technology to develop high-end" development strategy for customers, employees, the creation of shareholder value and achieve win-win situation, the harmonious development of!



  • 主营: 高清点播机,网络DVD播放器,高清播放器
  • 地址: 深圳市宝安区龙华大浪豪迈高新技术园4栋4楼
  • 联系: 肖生
  • 手机: 13826563603
  • 传真: 0755-29196190
  • 邮箱: kason166@163.com
  • 本站共被浏览过 6671 次

