


  • 公司: 佛山市南海德宝田冷却器材厂
  • 地址: 中国广东佛山市桂城海四路B1-B4区102号
  • 联系: 蔡仰扬
  • 手机: 13535847001
  • 电话: 0757-63360390
  • 一键开店

佛山市南海德宝田冷却器材厂是一家专业生产风冷式油冷却器、工程机械风冷却器、油压系统冷却器等换热器材的工厂。工厂设备精良,技术力量雄厚,产品均采用国内外*新技术进行设计,换热器芯体为噪音低、能换热的铝制板翅式换热产品,它采用先进的真空钎焊工艺制造,结构紧凑、换热效率高。它外观美观、安装方便、适应性强,是日益被广受选用的新型换代产品,其广泛应用于工程机械、动力机械、塑料机械、电力设备、内燃机车、汽车和航空工业、石化行业、冶金行业、纺织行业、数控机床、液压系统等领域。本厂生产的产品低碳、绿色环保,品质高,广受客户信赖,产品已经在国内享有名誉,也远销国外市场,我们将继续努力开发新产品,拓展新领域,在不断发展中提高各项*端技术,竭诚为国内外客户提供更高品质的服务。欢迎新老客户光临、洽谈和指导。Debaotian Cooling Equipment Factory, in Nanhai, Foshan, is a professional heat exchanging equipment producer. We supply products ranging from air-cooled oil coolers, construction machinery air coolers to oil coolers with oil hydraulic system.Thanks to advanced equipment, powerful technical force and designs with the latest technology at home and abroad, we can produce highly effective aluminum plate fin heat exchanger equipped with low noise core. Through the vacuum brazing process, this kind of exchanger enjoys the advantage of compact structure and high efficience in heat exchanging.Due to the characteristics of attractive outlooking, simple installment and wide adaptability, our products are being considered as new replacement to be widely employed on construction machinery, power machinery, plastics machinery, power equipment, automotive and aerospace industry, petrochemical industry, metallurgical industry, CNC machine tool, hydraulic system and so on.Our products are highly trusted by customers and enjoy a good reputation in domestic market and even reached oversea market as a result of their excellent quality with low-carbon green essence.

We will keep working on new products R&D and developing new fields so as to serve our customers inside and out of China with high quality services through improving all kinds of top technologies on our way of moving on. welcomed to visit our factory, contact us or offer us advice!



  • 主营: 风冷却器,液压油冷却器,散热器,换热器,液压系统冷却器,液压站,数控机床,折弯机液压散热,冷却器,工程机械液压系统冷却,风冷式油冷却器
  • 地址: 中国广东佛山市桂城海四路B1-B4区102号
  • 联系: 蔡仰扬
  • 手机: 13535847001
  • 电话: 0757-63360390
  • 本站共被浏览过 1800 次

