


  • 公司: 海景阔实业有限公司
  • 地址: 上海市江杨南路2500弄30号智慧大厦3楼
  • 联系: 陈皓
  • 手机: 19145530931
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2020-07-31 04:24:01  639次浏览 次浏览
价 格:3692

H-section steel is a kind of economic section high-efficiency profile with more optimized section area distribution and more reasonable strength weight ratio. It is named because its section is the same as the English letter "H". Due to the right angle arrangement of all parts of H-beam, H-beam has the advantages of strong bending resistance, simple construction, cost saving and light structure weight in all directions, which has been widely used.

H-beam is a new type of economic building steel. H-shaped steel has reasonable section shape, good mechanical properties, even extension of each point on the section and small internal stress during rolling. Compared with ordinary I-shaped steel, H-shaped steel has the advantages of large section modulus, light weight and metal saving, which can reduce 30-40% of the building structure; moreover, due to the flat inner and outer sides of the leg, the leg end is a right angle, and assembled into a component, which can save 25% of the welding and riveting work. It is often used in large-scale buildings (such as factory buildings, high-rise buildings, etc.) with large capacity and good section stability, as well as bridges, ships, hoisting and transportation machinery, equipment foundation, brackets, foundation piles, etc.

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